You have the right to report or not to report.

TTIC encourages all members of the TTIC community to report violations of its sexual misconduct policy, whether they are a survivor or a bystander. However, we realize that because of the sensitive nature of such violations, survivors may be reluctant to come forward.

Reporting to a Confidential Advisor

TTIC provides a 24-hour Confidential Advisor from Resilience (formerly Rape Victim Advocates) to help survivors:

To report a violation to a Confidential Advisor, call (773) 907-1062.

Please note that this is a message center and that you will need to ask that they page Resilience. Upon receiving a request for Resilience support, the message center will page the Resilience Advocate on call. After being paged, a Confidential Advisor from Resilience will respond to the request for support over the phone within 15 minutes. You will need to provide a number for the Confidential Advisor to call you back, if you are not comfortable providing a number you can ask to be placed on hold while a Confidential Advisor is reached.

*The Resilience Message Center is run by Swedish Covenant Hospital, a separate entity from Resilience. No one is required to provide any information to the message center other than they would like Resilience to be paged.

The Confidential Advisor is not required to alert TTIC or police regarding violations.

Reporting to TTIC

If you decide to report a violation of TTIC’s sexual misconduct policy to TTIC, you can:

Reporting to law enforcement

To make a report to law enforcement, you can contact these organizations any time:

Chicago Police Department: 911 or 9-911 from a campus phone

University of Chicago Police Department: (773) 702-8181 or 1-2-3 from a campus phone

You have the right to request and receive assistance from counseling and/or medical professionals.

To report an incident of sexual violence, contact any of the organizations listed below. These organizations are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Chicago Metro Rape Crisis Hotline (YWCA): (888) 293-2080

Chicago Domestic Violence Line: (877) 863-6338

LGBT Anti-Violence Project (Center on Halsted): (773) 871-2273

University of Chicago Medical Center Mitchell Emergency Room (closest hospital to campus): (773) 702-6250, 901 East 58th St.

More resources for survivors of sexual violence, dating/domestic violence and stalking are outlined in the Resource Guide.

A report to any of these organizations does not automatically equate to a report to TTIC. To ensure a report to TTIC, follow the steps in the Reporting to TTIC section.

You have the right to request and receive assistance from TTIC.

Upon receiving a report of a violation, TTIC will assist the survivor in accessing and navigating services that may be available to them. These services include campus and community resources for physical and mental health, guidance in the complaint resolution process and legal services to assist in obtaining orders of protection or no-contact orders.

At the request of the survivor, TTIC will modify academic and working situations to encourage the comfort and safety of the survivor. These modifications are available to the survivor upon receipt of a report. TTIC will also comply with all no-contact orders and court orders of protection.

You have the right to a timely resolution of your complaint.

Once TTIC has received a report of a violation of the Sexual Misconduct policy, TTIC will move quickly to investigate. All Investigators, TTIC Advisors, Hearing Officials and Appeal Officers involved in the investigation have received trauma-informed training, and are required to behave with confidentiality and fairness.

The Complainant, Respondent (person the complaint is lodged against) and other witnesses are interviewed separately by a trained Investigator regarding events, usually within 3 calendar days of the report. During this time, supportive measures to protect the Complainant, Respondent and/or the TTIC community at large may be implemented. The investigator will conduct an investigation during which the Complainant, Respondent and other witnesses will be interviewed and evidence collected. Once the investigation is complete, the Complainant and Respondent will be notified and a Hearing Date will be set. The hearing will be conducted by a Hearing Officer who will evaluate evidence and statements by the Complainant, Respondent and witnesses. During the hearing, the Complainant and Respondent may be advised by Advisors, who can also cross-examine the other party. The Hearing Officer then evaluates the evidence using a preponderance of the evidence standard; in other words, whether it is “more likely than not” that the violation of policy occurred. Both the Claimant and the Respondent are notified of the findings of the investigation at the same time.

The Claimant and/or the Respondent has the right to appeal the decision of the Hearing Officer, under limited circumstances. Sanctions may be carried out, as determined on a case-by-case basis by the Hearing Officer, while appeals are pending.

For specifics on the complaint resolution process, see TTIC’s Sexual Harassment Policy.